Your sleep study is one piece of a very important puzzle when it comes to diagnosing a sleep disorder. Along with the sleep study test results, a sleep specialist and/or your doctor will also consider your medical history, along with your own anecdotal information about your sleep history.
When analyzing the sleep study test results, your team will be considering factors like oxygen level in the blood, breathing patterns, frequency of waking up, the timing of sleeping and waking during the night, body movements, and REM patterns.
Putting these pieces together generally takes about two weeks following your visit to the Sleep Clinic at Summit Center for Health. Armed with a diagnosis, you and your medical team can embark on an effective treatment plan.
Potential Disorders And Their Common Treatments Include:
Chronic insomnia. Stress, poor bedtime habits or an underlying medical condition can all add up to chronic insomnia. Treatment options range from cognitive behavioral therapy, to adjusting your diet, to taking prescription medication.
Sleep apnea.
Often a CPAP machine will supply enough air pressure for your airway to gently open as you sleep.
Periodic limb movement disorder.
Factors like disrupted REM and some medications can cause this sleep disorder, resulting in repetitive limb movement that may cause you to wake briefly -- robbing you of quality sleep. Prescription drugs may help, as can switching your current medications and reducing caffeine consumption.
Sleep-related seizure disorders.
Nocturnal seizures can be serious, and require medication, along with lifestyle adjustments. Some people may benefit from a surgical implant to prevent seizures.
REM sleep behavior disorder.
This condition can cause overly-vivid dreams, as well as violent limb movement. Naturally, this doesn’t add up to a restful night. Medications and padded bedroom furniture can help.
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